(In case of performance issues on-browser, a Windows downloadable is attached)

The Lobster Warfare Program is a game developed for the 2024 GTMK Game Jam under the theme "BUILT TO SCALE"

It is known that lobsters do not have a upper limit to their scale, at any point in life they are subject only to the square cube law, thus, THE LOBSTER WARFARE PROGRAM intends to create a giant lobster capable of overthrowing the mightiest organizations known to men.

For personal reasons, i wasn't able to dedicate full time to the game so it suffers from some problems of scale (hehe). Initially idealized as a propaganda tycoon, the game had to pass some major remodelling in order to mantain feasibility under the deadline.


There are 3 entities encharged with giving (or taking) your money:

  • The Government
  • Investors
  • The General Public

Each of them are influenced by daily external events and your in-game choices, the general public and investors are prone to propaganda and appreciate you spending money on food, investors like you having money and like you giving them back your money through dividends.

The goverment does not act as a homogenous entity, it is of their interest to keep you going but will cut costs at any chance they have, it also does not appreciate investments in propaganda.

The public funds you through hourly, stochastic donations, investors give or take your money on market open every day (Around 10:00am), the government pays you daily and every 5 days.

The newspaper events have real consequences on entity decisions, use that information wisely.

Other countries might get to know about your organization and start their own, putting a rush to the dealing to get the biggest lobster as quick as possible.

If someone likes you, you can ask them for favours [bargain], if they accept, you are gifted a proportional amount of money based on their situation, but that puts a strain to your relationship.


Pc Build.zip 33 MB

Install instructions

Unpack and run the  .exe

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